Podiatry Blog
It’s Time to Talk Fall Prevention
Fall prevention is critical, since falls are the top cause of injuries and death from injury for older Americans. To help spread awareness, your Westfield, IN podiatrist is helping mark September’s Fall Awareness Prevention Month with tips for protecting you and your loved ones from dangerous falls.
Here are 3 Ways Cholesterol Hurts Your Feet
High cholesterol levels can hurt your heart health and your feet. That’s why, during National Cholesterol Education Month, we’re talking about the cholesterol-related diseases that can threaten foot health.
3 Keys to Preventing Diabetic Foot Complications
April is National Defeat Diabetes Month. And we want to help you protect yourself from this disease! In this post, we’re breaking down important facts about diabetes.
Diabetic Foot Care Tips for Cold Weather
If you have diabetes, you should perform daily foot checks and see your podiatrist regularly. But, when the weather turns cold, you may need to take extra precautions with your diabetic foot care.
Home for the Holidays? Try These 3 Shoes to Wear Indoors
This holiday season, you’re likely to be home more than out running to holiday parties. But that doesn’t mean you can forget about shoes and go barefoot.
5 Ways to Prevent Diabetic Complications this Holiday Season
When it comes to preventing diabetic foot complications, it’s important to watch your nutrition.
Why You Need a Podiatrist on Your Diabetic Health Care Team
Almost 10% of people in this country have diabetes. That’s why, this Diabetes Awareness Month, we’re helping you understand the two types of diabetes, risk factors for this disease and sharing tips for preventing diabetic complications, especially when it comes to your feet.
Wondering About Wound Care?
If you discover a wound on your feet or ankles, it can be frightening. Depending on your health, you may not have even noticed you were injured.
Don’t Let Foot Ulcers Stop You From Moving
If you have complications from diabetes, such as a foot ulcer, this condition can get in the way of adding more movement to your daily routine.
Slow-Healing Wounds? Let’s Talk
There are many causes for concern if a wound is healing slower than normal. You are not only at risk for infection, but also a condition that is known as peripheral arterial disease or PAD.
How to Warm Your Feet Wisely
You may not realize it, but patients with diabetes are at risk for serious burns due to a condition known as peripheral neuropathy.
Do I Need a Wound Specialist?
During Diabetes Awareness Month, we want to share the importance of identifying and responding to non-healing wounds and how a Certified Wound Specialist is helpful during recovery.
Look down! It’s Diabetes Awareness Month
November is Diabetes Awareness Month. There are many signs and symptoms to look for with this chronic condition, but your feet may be telling you something, so look down and check the health of your feet.
When Your Parents Have Diabetes
We know how diabetes can affect feet, and we’re here to help you remind your parents to take care of themselves, too.
Winning Against Wounds
If you have diabetes, here are three ways to increase your chances of winning against wounds.
You Don’t Have to Get Burned by Neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that starts with a slight tingling or burning in isolated regions of your feet but can turn into a complete loss of sensation in your entire foot.
Act Fast on Ulcers
Foot wounds and ulcers can be scary and can often occur with less than a moment’s notice. These moments after a wound or ulcer has formed are crucial to the healing process.
Caring for a Loved One with Diabetic Wounds
June is National Wound Healing Awareness Month and we’re observing the month by focusing on special tips for healing diabetic wounds and sores on the feet.
Beware of Wounds
When blood can’t reach your feet, it becomes very challenging to fight off infections. That’s why the main goal of all diabetic foot care is preventing infections that could lead to amputations.
Stop Diabetic Foot Ulcers Before They Start
Let’s identify some diabetic-related causes of foot ulcers and discuss how you can lessen the effects of diabetes on your feet.