Podiatry Blog
Enjoy the Great Outdoors Without Hurting Your Feet
Did you know that June is National Great Outdoors Month? It’s true, this is our nation’s time to appreciate the beauty of nature, something we’ve all learned to celebrate even during the COVID pandemic. Some of our favorite ways to get outdoors include hiking, biking, running and swimming. But a foot injury, or even foot pain, could keep you from your favorite outdoor activities.
Why Men’s Foot Care Should Not be Optional
In honor of Men’s Health Month and Father’s Day, we want to discuss an area of the body that is often overlooked by men: their feet! Unfortunately, men tend to ignore their health unless there’s an emergency. And, when it comes to your foot health, problems often develop slowly.
Here are 4 Rare Foot Disease Warning Signs
Did you know that February 28 is World Rare Disease Day? On this day, we highlight all rare diseases. Our hope? To bring attention to and find treatments for these conditions and the pain they cause.
Here’s How to Protect Your Feet for 2021 Exercise Resolutions
Got a New Year’s resolution to get more exercise? That’s great! But let’s make sure to protect your feet! Starting a new sport or fitness program is a great way to drop weight or to improve your cardiovascular health.
What is Morton’s Neuroma?
If you have pain in the ball of your foot, between your third and fourth toes, you may have Morton's neuroma.
Should I Wear Orthotics with Winter Boots?
Can you wear orthotics with winter boots? That’s a big question and an important one. With cold weather coming in Indiana, we’re pulling out the winter boots, and wondering if our orthotics will fit this type of footwear.
What is Metatarsalgia?
Pain in the ball of your foot can interfere with your daily routine. Without treatment, the pain can spread to other parts of your foot and body.
How to Customize Your Foot Support
We know the value of specially made, one-of-a-kind custom orthotic devices, but we also know how tempting it may be to select an over-the-counter pair.
New Season — New Support
With a new season, we encourage you to check in on your footwear. Are you receiving the support that you need? If you’re still walking in pain, you may want to consider speaking with our office about custom orthotics.
Orthotics and You
While you’re doing your spring cleaning, throw out your old, thin shoe inserts and talk to your doctor about custom orthotics.